The meaning of sex
I have this one particular question I have been interested in of late: what is sex? Or the meaning of it, rather. I’m trying to do some research on it and instead of getting to the bottom of it I’ve only managed to come up with even more questions. As humans, we are part of the animal kingdom and as such we follow the fundamental guidelines of reproducing and surviving. Reproduction, scientifically speaking, is the process by which organisms replicate themselves. But, in more practical terms, it is the creation of the mind, body and soul, consequently, the creation of consciousness. If we go with the definition of consciousness as having emotions(and acting on them), and having cognitive abilities then it may be argued that other members of the animal kingdom are conscious and wield the ability to create consciousness. So what exactly sets us apart in this regard? From the articles I’ve read and the acute anthropological information I’ve gathered, women hold all the p...