The rugby world cup fever’s got us. People are skipping class and heading to a pub to watch the Springboks play in Japan. This is the most the entire country, as a collective, has cared about rugby since our victory in 2007. Maybe it is because we stand a decent to good chance of actually winning this year or the formative change with the team having its first black captain, Siya Kolisi. I guess that’s something to be proud of. I can't help but think back to 2007. I was only 10 years old at the time but I remember the 2007 IRB World Cup quite well, the atmosphere if nothing else. After winning the final, I saw it fit to have a “wall of fame” in my bedroom which heavily featured the Springboks and other movie posters. The team that played in 2007 was impressive, to put it lightly. You know how every kid wants to be a sports star after an immaculate victory? Well, that wasn’t me, although I did idolise the Bokkes. Some of the players that were in the team include Schalk B...